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Director's Message

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I am extremely delighted to take up the new responsibility as Director , laden with new challenges and opportunities. With greater zeal and enthusiasm our vision will continue to remain committed to develop students of high academic achievement, intellectual curiosity and strong moral character.We are sure that the education and skills that you acquire from our institution as a student would equip you for a life personal and professional achievements and thereby contributes to the enrichments of society and the nation. In higher education, quality of education and environment are very important aspects.


One of the most important in the minds of new entrants, as they join a course, is employment avenues and placement potential of the course. Our aim is to train the students, armed with the ability to work effectively and efficiently, across professional boundaries , so that they can emerge as leaders and innovators in their chosen professions.  We also recognize and value the learning that takes place outside of the classroom.  Through service learning projects, sports teams, and multiple academic and leadership clubs and organizations, we are proud of the quality and quantity of opportunities that students have to connect with, and affect positive change, in our local and global communities. One has to be knowledge thick-thick with character-ethic. We believe that the Technical Education with Values and Ethics is the greatest need of time. The question that grapples all nations today in the world is how to make education at all levels more effective. Wish you all my best wishes for a bright future.

Dr. Geevarhese Kaithavana

